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369Large flowers in stressful environments: the importance of floral longevity in a large-flowered Mediterranean family
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Ecological SectionTeixido, Alberto L..floral longevity
flower size
Mediterranean area
Maintenance costs
507Last ginkgoalean record in South America
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Paleobotanical SectionCuneo, Nestor; Seoane, Liliana V.; Gandolfo, Maria; Wilf, Peter.Ginkgoales
South America
580Latitudinal variation in seed germination requirements and phenological traits in Phemeranthus parviflorus (Nutt.) Kiger (Montiaceae)
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Ecological SectionPrice, Taina M..Phemeranthus
North America
seed germination
geographic variation
latitudinal range
local adaptation
346Leaf anatomical adaptations in Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. from the Salt Range (Pakistan) to salinity stress
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Stress ToleranceHameed, Mansoor; Riaz, Atif; Ashraf, Muhammad; Naz, Nargis.anatomical structure
Cynodon dactylon
salt stress
691Leaf anatomy of Allium (Alliaceae) in North America
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Systematics SectionMashayekhi, Saeideh; Columbus, J. Travis.Alium
subgen. Amerallium
New World
Leaf anatomy
708Leaf and canopy level carbon assimilation rates of post-fire resprouting chaparral shrub species that display different life history types
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EcophysiologyDe Guzman, M. E.; Tobin, M.F. ; Jacobsen, A. L.; O'Mara, H. P.; Pratt, R. B..chaparral
life history
photosynthetic rate
146Leaf Calcium Oxalate Duplex and Concretion Idioblasts: Unique Features in Tribe Naucleeae (Rubiaceae)
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Developmental and Structural SectionLersten, Nels R.; Horner, Harry T..Crystals
502Leaf lifespan is controlled by branching patterns in Viburnum (Adoxaceae)
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EcophysiologySchmandt, Kaya R.; Donoghue, Michael J.; Sack, Lawren; Schmerler, S B; Williard, Anne; Clement, W L; Edwards, Erika.leaf lifespan
leaf economic spectrum
Branching patterns
382Leaves as swelling tissues: poroelastic models of leaf water transport
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Physiological SectionRockwell, Fulton. leaf hydraulics
Quercus rubra
Gingko biloba
455Levels and structuring of microsatellite variation in the highly disjunct Alnus maritima (seaside alder)
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Genetics SectionJones, J. Matthew; Gibson, Phil.microsatellite
Alnus maritima
population genetics
Biogeographical disjunct
threatened species
878Leveraging the use of herbarium collections in modern systematics—examples from Pteridology
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Leveraging the use of herbarium collections in modern systematics—examples from PteridologySundue, Michael; Sigel, Erin M. .
898Lichen habitat may be enhanced by thinning treatments in young Tsuga heterophylla-Pseudotsuga menziesii forests
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Bryological and Lichenological Section/ABLSRooth, Heather; McCune, Bruce; Neitlich, Peter.thinning
forest management
Pacific Northwest
405Linkage Disequilibrium Decay in Populus balsamifera (Salicaceae): a comparison between autosomes and sex chromosomes
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Genetics SectionLevsen, Nicholas; Smith, Matthew S.; Olson, Matthew S..Linkage disequilibrium
Populus balsamifera
sex chromosome
358Liverwort chloroplasts – into the next generation
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Bryological and Lichenological Section/ABLSForrest, Laura L.; Wickett, Norman J.; Goffinet, Bernard.chloroplast genome
Roche 454
282Local adaptation to florivory and nectar robbing in the distylous vine, Gelsemium sempirvirens
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Pollination BiologyLeege, Lissa M.; Irwin, Rebecca E.; Adler, Lynn S..nectar robbing
resistance to antagonists
local adaptation
391Low Genetic Diversity in Protected Populations of Endangered Caribbean Endemic Erythrina eggersii (Fabaceae)
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Conservation BiologyStuart, Johnasha; Stanford, Alice.Erythrina eggersii
Virgin Islands
population genetics

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