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Keyword Browse

For Molecular Ecology and Evolution

Select the Keywords to browse their abstracts. Select as many as you like.

aquatic plants (1 Abstract)
Arabidopsis (1 Abstract)
ascending dysploidy (1 Abstract)
Asteraceae (1 Abstract)
barcoding (1 Abstract)
Biogeography (1 Abstract)
biomechanics (1 Abstract)
C3-C4 intermediates (1 Abstract)
C4 photosynthesis (1 Abstract)
carbohydrate (1 Abstract)
cavitation (1 Abstract)
chaparral (1 Abstract)
character evolution (1 Abstract)
Chihuahuan Desert (1 Abstract)
cpDNA (1 Abstract)
descending dysploidy (1 Abstract)
ecological genomics (1 Abstract)
evolution (1 Abstract)
Florida (1 Abstract)
Floristics (1 Abstract)
gypsophily (1 Abstract)
historical introduction (1 Abstract)
hydraulic conductivity (1 Abstract)
Invasive plants (1 Abstract)
local adaptation (1 Abstract)
Melampodium (1 Abstract)
microarray (1 Abstract)
Mollugo (1 Abstract)
multiple origins (1 Abstract)
nuclear single copy genes (1 Abstract)
Nyctaginaceae (1 Abstract)
Peperomia (1 Abstract)
phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (1 Abstract)
phylogenetics (2 Abstracts)
phylogeography (1 Abstract)
species level phylogeny (1 Abstract)
species rich genus (1 Abstract)
xylem (1 Abstract)

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